About Chris

In 1994 I was sent home from work on stress leave and it made me seriously look at how emotionally incapable I really was. I received physiological help but found I still didn’t change any of my default behaviours and responses to emotionally charged circumstances. I wanted to change but no matter how much I wanted to I couldn’t react any differently.
I found Kinesiology and discovered that it was able to give me some of the answers I was looking for. Working with healing energy provided insight and the ability to let go of the emotional issues and I soon realized it was going to be a major part of my life.

In 1995 I started attending workshops for Touch for Health, Kinergetics and RESET. Over the next 3 years I had completed all 7 levels of Kinergetics and also became a Kinergetics and RESET instructor. Kinesiology showed me how I could let go of the issues I had been holding onto from childhood and being an instructor showed me that my greatest satisfaction came from watching others become empowered to heal themselves.
In 1999 I attended my first RAW Workshop and I found RAW combined the two elements that I found the most effective in releasing issues. Firstly I was able to identify and release core issues that had previously stayed with me and secondly RAW offered a fantastic opportunity to heal myself.
I was hooked and I committed to learning all levels available in RAW and continued working with myself, my family and friends. During this time I was able to let go of the insecurities and self doubt that had been deeply buried in my belief systems. I used to be an insecure, emotionally needy person and felt I always needed to prove myself to others. I have been able to truly let go of my insecurities and my deserving issues and allow happiness and contentment to exist within me.

I used to think I had to live to everyone else’s expectations and now I live to my own expectations. It’s really satisfying when I get to the end of every day knowing that I have the satisfaction and acceptance of me. Whenever I come up against a brick wall– and I still do—I know I can turn to RAW. RAW is the conduit for identifying my issues and then I take over and heal myself. RAW, for me, is like a personal trainer for my belief systems.
Balance Central is my passion. I love providing a safe and nurturing space for my clients to work through their issues and breakdown the barriers, allowing them to feel empowered and joyful about their life.
My favourite thing is watching my clients start to connect the dots and begin to live their lives in the way they want to live. It is amazing when I hear about the happiness and contentment that my clients are feeling, as a result of the healing process. The flow on effect of this is phenomenal and I feel I am making a significant difference in the world one person at a time.
I believe that when you have conscious awareness self healing will occur.