Unlock Your Business Potential
Are you working hard at your business with
minimum results?
Would you like your business to flow with ease?

Your business can hold stress in its energies.
As a result it may not flow as effectively as possible. If your business is not flowing your business can struggle to attract what it needs to grow and evolve.
When stress is removed from your business it will start to attract the ideas, people and situations that it needs to be successful.
By identifying and releasing the issues your business will begin to feel a new lease on life and things will start to fall into place.
We all have different reasons and valid explanations for why our business is not achieving what we want.
We feel so connected to our business that we often can't see the real reasons behind the challenges are things like time, finances and missed opportunities. The 3 main areas that are affected by these challenges are the conception of the business, the day to day workings of the business and the future direction we want for our business.
We need to identify the underlying issues within ourselves to allow a clear understanding of what we are really asking for and to become empowered at a deeper level.
The Law of Attraction is always at work – the real issues lie within the principles that govern the Law of Attraction. By clearing the core principles that govern the Law of Attraction you release the struggle of always trying, and you receive clarity and confirmation of what you are actually attracting into your life. All the little things begin to fall into place and you feel a sense of empowerment.
By looking closely at these challenges we can start to see where the problems really are which gives your business a chance to start breathing again.
The next step is to ensure you are aligned to your business and can see it through clear eyes. When we have a new perspective it results in our ability to let go of the past and move forward to where we want our business to be.
Give your business the new lease on life you have wanted.
Balance the Foundations, the Fundamentals, the Projection and Aligning you to the new balanced energies of your business. Let's get your business flowing.
Matthew Dunstan - Rising Tide Ventures
The business balance with Chris was exactly what I needed to clear the blocks that I’d inadvertently created for myself and the business and WOW! What a transformation ... Matthew Dunstan, Rising Tide Ventures.

What's Included In The Program?
The Unlock Your Business Power Program includes:
Purchasing one Unlock Your Power Program provides business training to women through B1G1
What People Say ....

Karen Farley, Personal Travel Manager – After having a big year she was feeling overwhelmed and tired. After the Business Program she started to recognise her own needs and what she likes to be doing.

Gwen Irons, LG Enterprises – Could see that there were opportunities to increase her good results but there were blocks getting in her way. Now her personal life and her business life are flowing in the same direction.
What's the next step?
Components of the Unlock Your Business Potential Program
The conception of your business - By clearing out all of the original energy including doubts and fears around setting up of a business it allows for a business to operate from a clean slate. It gives the business and the business owner the ability to move forward using all the information that has been learnt over the life span of the business.
The day to day workings of your business – This looks at the procrastination and feeling of things being in the too hard basket. By settling the fundamentals of a business it allows for daily growth as more day to day activities can be achieved with ease.
– The future of your business - This looks at what fears and frustrations are getting in the way of where the business owner wants to take their business. By clearing the pathway to the future more clarity and connection appears around what the future can be.
Business Owner to the Business Energy – The most important aspect between a business owner and their business is to feel like they are on the same page. When a business owner is aligned to their business the direction of the business is easy to create and future decisions are made with more ease.
Space between a Business Owner and the business – A business grows and goes through changes over time and the business owner needs to remain aligned energetically. At times communication needs to be re-established so that the right actions can happen and the right activities are attracted into the business. When the space between the business and the business owner are cleared the business keeps flowing.
What People Say ....
Chey Bodhi (Formerly known as Heather Boon) – shares 4 of the stages in the Business Program, The Foundations, The Fundamentals, The Projection and The Alignment

By choosing to Unlock Your Business Potential you are choosing to clear out the core issues of your business which gives you and your business the ability to flow within its own energy.
Ready To Start?
What People Say ....
Jason - Business Owner
Was feeling frustrated and ready to give up on an 8 year old business. After the Business Program things were looking, feeling and flowing great in all areas of life.
Louise Williams - Emotive Images
Louise Williams – Was feeling she needed guidance in allowing her to prioritise what is important in her personal life and her business life. 6 months later she could see things start to bloom in herself and her business.
Renee Thompson - Do Dance Academy
Renee had been trying to expand her business but at every turn there was resistance to change. After the Business Program, she is excited as to what this year will bring for the business and myself.
Shirley - HR Management Services
She had recognized that her business was being blocked in certain areas and she felt the flow that she had been working hard to achieve was lacking. One of the many results was 100% repeat business and 100% engagement from new business.
Anne - Business Owner
Identified that her business could benefit from a serious cash injection and an improved attitude of abundance. She went from cloudy to laser focus.
She had noticed she was reacting to circumstances that she had always been able to handle in the past. After her session she was aware of how she was simply responding again.
Vicki Lennox - Emerging Swan Coaching

Vicki Lennox – She had found it had to gain traction with life in general. After 12 months she gained focus, direction and a confidence in where she is headed.
Ready To Take The Next Step?