Healthy Slimmers Conference – Key Note Speaker

“I invited Chris Wildeboer from Balance Central to present to our members at the Healthy Slimmers Fellowship annual weekend seminar in September 2017, because she was recommended to me as the perfect lady to present….. Her presentation was amazing and the audience felt like she was addressing each one of them individually. We each suffer pain in our lives and Chris identified many issues of how we felt and areas that we need to address. The result from her presentation was awakening and left the audience feeling like ‘finally someone understands how I feel’. Chris was friendly and shared her stories with our members individually as well as during her presentation. Her presentation was perfect and at a level that all could understand and react to. I would recommend Chris Wildeboer from Balance Central to all members of the community who need a little more balance in their lives .”

Jan Lember (CEO) - Healthy Slimmers Fellowship Support Group